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Diet, nutrient deficiency and chronic pancreatitis.
Gopalakrishna Rajesh1, Banavara Narasimhamurthy Girish2, Kannan Vaidyanathan3, Vallath Balakrishnan1
Departments of Gastroenterology1,

Physiology2 & Biochemistry3
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,
AIMS Ponekkara P.O.
Cochin – 682 041
Kerala, India

Corresponding Author
: Professor Vallath Balakrishnan


The aetiopathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) appears to be multifactorial with interplay of genetic and environmental factors such as alcohol, smoking and diet. Dietary factors in the form of a fat- and protein-rich diet are important cofactors in the aetiopathogenesis of alcoholic pancreatitis. Malnutrition used to be a hallmark in tropical pancreatitis. Presently, it appears that malnutrition is an effect rather than a causative factor for tropical pancreatitis; however, micronutrient deficiency could possibly be implicated in the aetiopathogenesis. The role of dietary toxins such as cassava is no longer considered an important risk factor; however, these patients are at a higher risk for defective detoxification of cyanogens. Decrease in levels of sulphur amino acids (SAAs), folate and zinc have been reported. Oxidative stress and antioxidant depletion are key pathogenetic mechanisms. The role of antioxidants in pain relief is an area of interest. Supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins and micronutrients is a cornerstone in medical management. Folate and zinc supplementation may be beneficial and is a focus of ongoing research. In the future, prophylaxis for CP by a daily micronutrient tablet among high-risk groups in endemic areas could prove to be a potentially important public health measure. However, further studies are required.