Background and aim: The internal diameter of the portal vein varies with age and anthropometric parameters. The caliber of the normal portal vein in adults has been extensively studied but little is known about portal vein dimensions in the growing child. This study was conducted to establish standards of portal vein diameter by ultrasonography in healthy Indian children based on age, gender and anthropometric parameters.
Methods: Total 306 healthy children between the age of <1 month and 12 years, visiting our outpatient departmentor accompanying their siblings were enrolled in the study. The children were distributed into ten age-groups. Each group was further divided in two sub-groups based on gender. Anthropometric parameters including weight, height and chest circumference were measured.Portal vein diameter was assessed by ultrasonography.
Results: The portal vein diameter increases with age, height, weight and chestcircumference. But the values are similar in boys and girls. Multiple logistic regression (adjusted Rsquare: 0.922) revealed age (p=0.002), height/length (p <0.0001), weight (p=0.011), and chest circumference (p<0.0001), as independent determinants of portal vein diameter. However, height/length emerged as the most consistent determinant (coefficient of regression: 1.536; p<0.001; 95% confidence interval: 0.066 - 0.092).
Conclusion: Our results provide a normal range of portal vein diameter according to age, gender and anthropometric parameters. We conclude that portal vein diameter strongly correlates with age and anthropometric variables like height, weight and chestcircumference,with height being the strongest determinant.